
Scrubber Sponges at Rhinomart

Preparing a tasty, culinary masterpiece for family or friends can be a greatand rewarding experience. It’s cleaning up afterwords that’s the largest drag. To defeat this mountain of sullied silverware and greasy pots and pans you’ll need the Sponge Scrubber! Rhinomart has listed the Sponge Scrubber on sale thanks to its powerful cleaning ability. These abrasive nylon scrubbers make short work of crusty pots and pans. The sponges also thoroughly polish and rinse clean a multitude of surfaces including metal and are ideal for kitchen utensils.

We know that our consumers like to look around for the greatest deal and we work to equipthem with that. We’ve advertised the Scrubber Sponges which are retailed in 5 packs within a 72 unit, at $75.60 coming out to about $1.05 a unit. Take a glance around and you’ll see that our competitors are promoting exactly the exact set of abrasive nylon scrubber sponges for $109.00 and at $1.14 a unit for 96 units. Paying $33.40 more for just 24 additional sponges you may or may not want is not be the best selling tacticfor your cleaning supplies.

As a source you want to get more for your profit without having to spend extra and that’s what you’ll find with Rhinomart. Rhino Mart supplies more products for reduced prices. Shop our cleaning supplies and browse our other merchandise. With a selection of over 150,000 merchandise, whether you’re looking for cleaning supplies or otherwise you’re sure to discover what you’re hunting for your business!

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