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Targeted Traffic To Your Websites Absolutely Free
Are you starting to promote your website to others? Then you should concentrate on obtaining targeted traffic. Depending on how good you are at SEO will determine just how down to the wire you can get. I’m amazed at how this whole process works.
What we will do is call this targeting, remarketing or retargeting. I learned from these podcast interviews, that when someone comes and visits my website, I immediately cookie them. As they surf around to other websites the banners we have follow them.
It’s pretty crafty to see how this process of retargeting works. When you market your website through the search engines, you can’t do this unless you have certain types of software on your server. There are places on the internet that you can purchase this kind of service from.
You might not have thought about this but search engines control the amount of traffic that they send to your website. At anytime they can ban you and there’s nothing that you can do about it. I’ve seen where these companies even raise the bids on pay per click campaigns.
When these companies ban you they ban you for life. So be careful to follow all the terms of service. Most people don’t read them, but I suggest that you do. There was someone that I knew that spend $85,000 a year on pay-per-click advertising and the next day they banned his account. Stuff like this happens all the time so don’t think it can’t happen to you.
This is one reason why I encourage other people to go outside of the realms of marketing their business just on the search engines. Try other pay per click advertising campaigns, newspaper or TV advertisements. Mail outs work just as well too. I had one person that was using the phone and giving a survey asking if they knew of anyone that would be interested in their product.
There are lots of things you can do. I like to call this paid media. They are called ad networks, exchanges and aggregators. Type these phrases in to a search engine and they will come up for you. What they do is sell left over advertisements to other people. You put up your own banners and if you design a really good one you can do really well. They have something like well over a billion pages you can get your stuff on.
I’m not talking about blogs, personal home pages or any web 2.0 properties. These businesses have been around for a long period of time and can give you a steady flow of traffic. I’ve heard of people doubling there traffic by doing stuff like this. The over supply of traffic can be very beneficial to getting targeted traffic.